2022年度新聞英文:疫情下的台灣(附QR Code 線上音檔)
作者:EZ TALK編輯部, Judd Piggott
類別:語言學習> 英語> 閱讀> 新聞英語
PART 1 News TV
Section1 Odd News 新奇新聞
1. 以色列巨型草莓打破金氏世界紀錄
2. 巴黎世家販售「破爛版」球鞋
3. 韋伯望遠鏡揭開遠古宇宙新面貌
4. 《獵人》粉絲們有好消息囉!
Section2 Entertainment News 娛樂新聞
5. 紅髮艾德深陷版權風波
6. 第94屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮
7. 第64屆葛萊美獎
8. 《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》
Section3 Celebrity News 名人新聞
9. 強尼戴普與安柏赫德離婚官司不斷
10. 怪奇比莉出席時尚奧斯卡
11. 馬斯克欲以44億美元收購推特
12. 英國伊莉莎白女王登基70周年
Section4 Health News 衛生新聞
13. 上海新冠疫情仍維持封城狀態
14. 美國衛福機構提高猴痘警示風險
Cover Story 封面故事─疫情下的台灣
PART 2 News Reading
Section5 International News 國際局勢新聞
15. 烏俄戰爭
16. 北韓發射彈道飛彈
17. 前日本首相安倍晉三遇刺
Section6 Society News 社會氛圍新聞
18. 加拿大卡車司機抗議
19. 德州校園槍擊案釀21死
20. 美國最高法院推翻墮胎法案
Section7 Politics News 政治熱議新聞
21. 英國派對門事件
22. 馬克宏戰勝勒龐贏得法國總統連任
23. 艾班尼斯於澳洲聯邦大選中擊敗莫里森
Section8 Technology News 科技新知新聞
24. 元宇宙時代來臨
25. 非同質化貨幣
26. 深偽技術的未來與隱憂
Section9 Environment News 環境問題新聞
27. 巴西雨林砍伐速度破紀錄
28. 高溫熱浪與野火侵襲歐洲
29. 美國參議院決議夏令時間永久化
Section10 Economy News 經濟民生新聞
30. 斯里蘭卡前總統逃亡
31. 美股景氣低迷
32. 食品物價高漲令消費者吃不消
PART 3 Life News
Section11 Art News 藝文空間新聞
33. 非裔女性藝術家留名威尼斯雙年展
34. 漫畫家尼爾亞當斯享壽80歲
Section12 Education News 教育課題新聞
35. 德州校區將40本讀物列為禁書
36. 疫情促使孩童學業成績退步
Section13 Sports News 體育新聞
37. 納達爾贏得第14屆法網冠軍
38. 柯瑞榮獲生涯第一座FMVP
39. 網球天王費德勒宣布退休
Section14 Films & Dramas News 影劇新聞
40. 年度必看電影+必追影集
Could Partygate Be the End for Boris Johnson?
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has weathered many scandals during his long political career, but could the latest—which involves *allegations of rule-breaking gatherings at 10 Downing Street and other government buildings during COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021—finally cause his downfall? A little partying may not seem like a big deal, but the leader of the country’s Labour Party says the PM should resign, and some members of Johnson’s own Conservative Party agree.
Although the parties in question took place from mid-2020 to mid-2021, the scandal itself—dubbed Partygate—didn’t begin until November 2021. On November 30, the Daily Mirror published a story alleging that three parties had taken place at Downing Street in late 2020 as the country entered its second lockdown, including a small gathering in Johnson’s flat “where they were all getting plastered” on November 13, and a Christmas party, which the PM didn’t attend, on December 18. A week later, following an official denial, ITV broadcast a video showing Johnson staffers joking about their “cheese and wine” Christmas party.
儘管這些眾所討論的派對發生在2020年中至2021年中,但這個稱為「派對門」的醜聞直到2021年11月才被報出來。 11月30日《每日鏡報》發表了一篇報導,指控2020年底當英國進入第二次封城時,共有三場派對在首相官邸舉辦,包括 11月13日在強森的公寓舉行的小型聚會上「眾人都在那裡喝得酩酊大醉」,以及12月18日首相沒有參加的耶誕派對。在官方否認此事的一周後,獨立電視台公布一段影片,顯示了強森的執政團隊拿他們的「乳酪和葡萄酒」耶誕派對開玩笑。
Addressing Parliament on December 8, Johnson apologized for the offense caused by the video. “I was also furious to see that clip,” said the PM, adding “I have been repeatedly assured, since these allegations emerged, that there was no party and that no COVID rules were broken.” That same day, Johnson asked Cabinet Secretary Simon Case to conduct an inquiry. But when it was revealed that Case had thrown his own office party the day before the December 18 bash, he was removed from the inquiry and replaced by civil servant Sue Gray.
And reports of additional parties at government offices kept coming in—eight in the fall of 2020, including a photo of Johnson next to staffers in tinsel and Santa hats at a Christmas quiz, breaking a rule forbidding people from different households from mixing. Next came news of a Downing Street BYOB garden party on May 20, 2020, at which Johnson was photographed drinking wine with his girlfriend, now wife, Carrie. Even worse, however, were reports of farewell parties for two Downing Street staffers with drinking and dancing on April 16, 2021, the day before Prince Philip’s funeral, during the third national lockdown.
Johnson, who didn’t attend the two parties personally, apologized to Queen Elizabeth on January 14, 2021. At this point, Labour leader Keir Starmer called for his resignation—as did some members of his own party. On January 25, building on Sue Gray’s inquiry, the Metropolitan Police opened its own investigation into potential *breaches of COVID rules at government buildings. So far in February, five senior staffers have resigned over the scandal. Johnson is expected to face growing calls to resign if he is fined for his role, but his allies have insisted he is going nowhere.